Play The Game

Learn everything you need to know to be an excellent player in a dungeons and dragons game.

Want to know more than just the basics? Check out the deep dive course below.

What will you learn in the FAST TRACK course?

Be ready to play your first game of d&d in only one hour!

Quick Overview

Learn what d&d is all about, the role of the game master and what is expected of you as a player.

Character Creation

Step-by-step character creation, with a quick overview of your choices and a break down of your character sheet.

Core Rules

The basic common rules you need to get started, you can always learn the rest later...


Delve into the vast array of player options and game rules to master all there is to know!

Character Expansion

Flesh out your character's appearance and physical traits.

Create an exciting and layered back story for them.

Develop a personality, moral compass, strengths and flaws.

Endless Options

A look into the core race and class options and what they each bring to the table. Learn what works well together and what falls short.

Learn about multiclassing and what exciting combinations it can bring!


What are these kits, packs and tools your character starts with and what do they do?

Understand the properties of your equipment and what they each mean in the game.

A look at the options for mounts and vehicles should you be lucky enough to find them.

Combat Expert

Really dig into the more advanced rules related to combat.

Understand ALL of your options you can utilise on your turn.

Maximise the benefit of your surroundings and learn some excellent combat tactics.

Fancy something a bit more tailored to your needs?

A custom course can be designed just for you, only covering the modules or topics that you would like to work on. Give as much information as possible and don't be shy to ask!


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